This app does what it promises, tracking servings of food groups. Its easy to use and helps you make healthier choices.
After using it all day I tried to add black eyed peas for my protein for dinner, and found no legumes there! I wrote to support explaining that because I was vegetarian I relied on beans for protein. The next morning when I woke up they had replied that the USDA counts legumes as either protein or vegetables and that beans had only been included in the vegetable category. This had been amended and the database now included beans in both categories.
Ive never received such amazing support from an app developer, and I like the simplicity of the app itself which also makes it a useful tool to teach my children about good nutrition.
One shortcoming is that if youre using it as a diet program to loose weight it doesnt track sugars and fats so the calorie count might not reflect your actual calorie count if youre cooking with olive oil or consuming sugary drinks, for example. The best use of this app is to help you focus on having a healthier, more varied diet than as a calorie counter. Its an excellent teaching tool, also. I think it would be very useful in a classroom for kids to get an idea of what a healthy diet would look like.
Annnnuuu about My Daily Plate