Giving the user only a (rather limited) list of options to choose from, without any way to add custom items, means that what gets recorded is often full of gaps to the point of being useless and misleading. No way to enter any fats and oils? No way to enter any desserts or candy? No beverages other than water and milk? Ridiculous. Theres no way to record the cup of coffee or tea you drank, or the soda, or OJ. You can record the bread you ate, but not the butter you put on it. If you eat a candy bar, your calorie count in this app wont know about it. You had fish? The app will assume it was either baked or grilled. Of course, if it was actually fried, the app will estimate the calories very wrong. If you had peas, the app simply assumes there were "no salt or fat added." If you had a salad, the app wont know about the dressing. (And to all the people in these reviews saying "well, you _shouldnt_ eat sweets/fried food/fats" - shouldnt this app log what you actually eat, not what you _should ideally_ eat? And an app that only works for people who already always eat the ideal diet isnt much of a helpful app.)
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